AdvaPACS as a Hybrid Enterprise Imaging Solution (PACS)

The smarter, better way to streamline how you use your medical imaging data!

AdvaPACS as a hybrid enterprise imaging and PACS solution is the smarter, better way to streamline how you use your medical imaging data. It combines on-premise PACS with cloud-native storage for increased flexibility, scalability, and security while reducing costs.

cloud pacs server hybrid dicom
Lower Costs, Increase Agility & Improve Efficiency

Unlock the power of cloud-native storage with an on-premise PACS solution

With AdvaPACS, you no longer have to choose between cloud or on-premise storage. Our solution seamlessly combines both, giving you the freedom to access and store your medical imaging data easily in a secure and highly scalable environment.

cloud native pacs reduce cost

Dramatic reduction in IT hardware capital and operational cost

IT hardware costs can be a significant expense for healthcare organisations, but with our hybrid cloud-native enterprise imaging solution, you can dramatically reduce both your capital and operational costs.

Our hybrid approach combines the benefits of both cloud-native and on-premise storage solutions, allowing you to store some data (usually archive) in the cloud and some (usually more recent studies) on-premise.

This not only decreases the need for expensive on-site storage systems, but also reduces operational costs associated with maintaining and upgrading hardware to accommodate more storage capacity.

Never run of space, with a high degree of scalability

In healthcare, having enough storage space is critical. That’s why our cloud-native enterprise imaging solution is designed with scalability in mind. With AdvaPACS, you’ll never have to worry about running out of space again.

Our cloud-native software is designed to allow you to easily scale up your storage as your needs grow, ensuring that your medical imaging data is always accessible and secure.

Plus, with AdvaPACS, you can maintain the status quo or scale down as needed, providing you with the ultimate flexibility to meet your changing requirements. Don’t let storage limitations hold you back. Choose AdvaPACS and future-proof your PACS storage today.

cloud-native pacs scale storage

Take full advantage of cloud computing.

With AdvaPACS, you can fully leverage the benefits of cloud computing, without any of the limitations or step costs typically associated with traditional enterprise imaging providers. Our cloud-native solution offers unlimited storage capacity, allowing you to store and access your medical imaging data without ever having to worry about running out of space.

Plus, our software development approach ensures that you have access to the latest technology and features, so you can stay ahead of the curve and provide the best possible care to your patients.

Vendor Neutral Archiving (VNA)

Our standards-based, interoperable approach ensures seamless integration with your existing systems, without any of the headaches or limitations of proprietary compression. With AdvaPACS, you have the power to leverage your data like never before.

Join the cloud-native revolution today and discover the difference AdvaPACS can make for your healthcare organisation.

Why choose AdvaPACS Hybrid Solution

The advantages of combining your
on-premise PACS with AdvaPACS

  • Flexibility

    A hybrid enterprise imaging solution allows you to maintain and continue using your day-to-day medical imaging data while storing/archiving older data in the cloud. Storing data in both locations, giving you the flexibility to choose the storage option that best suits your needs.

  • Scalability

    With hybrid enterprise imaging system, you can scale up or down as your organisation’s needs change, making it a more adaptable solution than a stand-alone on-premise enterprise imaging system.

  • Cost-effective

    By using a combination of on-premise PACS and cloud-native storage, this can reduce the overall cost of ownership for your organisation.

  • Archiving with access to priors

    Hybrid enterprise imaging solution provides a key benefit of archiving older data while still having access to priors. On-premise offers secure local storage, while AdvaPACS provides scalability and flexibility for faster, efficient access to prior medical imaging data.

  • Improved disaster recovery

    The use of cloud-native storage can improve disaster recovery capabilities, as medical imaging data can be always backed up to allow for recovery more easily for your organisation.

  • Better security

    Combining on-premise PACS solutions with cloud-native storage can provide better security with less complexity than relying solely on on-premise PACS for your medical imaging data.

advapacs hybrid pacs cloud solutions
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AdvaPACS hybrid brochure

Utilise AdvaPACS Hybrid solution as your cloud-native long-term DICOM storage tool alongside your existing PACS.

A Hybrid Enterprise Imaging Solution

For all sizes of medical imaging organisations

Empowering healthcare organisations with flexibility, security, & cost-effectiveness.

  • Imaging Practise

  • Medical Practise with Health Screening services

  • Oncology Centre

  • Dental Clinic

  • Opthalmology Centre

  • Obstetrics & Gynaecology Centre

  • Private Hospital

By combining your on-premise PACS and cloud-native storage, AdvaPACS allows you to store medical imaging data where it’s needed, enjoy automatic software updates, comply with regulations, and keep patient data secure. Additionally, our cloud-native architecture enables you to scale up or down as your organisation’s needs change, providing cost-effectiveness.

Do you know that AdvaPACS can be deployed in just 15 minutes?

The Advantages of AdvaPACS in

Compliance, security and updating

A comprehensive solution that can help your organisation stay compliant, up-to-date, and secure.


  • AdvaPACS uses ISO 27001:2022 compliance and pen testing to protect patient data. Our cloud-native solution employs encryption, access controls, and secure data transfer protocols to ensure safety and confidentiality.

Software updates

  • At AdvaPACS, we continuously enhance our service by regularly introducing new features and ensuring that everything stays up to date.


  • AdvaPACS is powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS), meaning your data is hosted on one of the most reliable and secure cloud computing services in the world. With AWS, you can be sure that your data is always safe, secure and available.

Affordable and flexible pricing

AdvaPACS provides significant cost savings when compared to an on-premise PACS, allowing you to save money on hardware and software licences.

  • No hardware infrastructure required to replicate your existing enterprise imaging hardware when utilising AdvaPACS.

  • No hardware refreshes for the life of AdvaPACS.

  • Pay as you go plan that means you only pay for what you use.

  • No lock-in contract. No upfront fees.

Say goodbye to long-term, expensive contracts!

Pay as you go PACS Pricing

Frequently asked questions

What is AdvaPACS?

AdvaPACS is a cloud-native enterprise imaging solution that allows medical facilities to store, manage and share medical imaging data in the cloud. This eliminates the need for expensive on-premise storage and allows for easy access to imaging data from any location.

What are the advantages of combining on-premise PACS with AdvaPACS?

Combining on-premise enterprise imaging system with AdvaPACS offers several advantages including:

  • Minimal Change Management: Continue using your existing enterprise imaging system for all operations.
  • Cost Savings: AdvaPACS eliminates the need for expensive hardware and maintenance costs, allowing for significant cost savings for healthcare organisations.
  • Scalability: AdvaPACS allows for easy scalability, so organisations can easily add or remove storage as needed, without the need for additional hardware.
  • Data Backup: AdvaPACS provides automatic data backup and disaster recovery, reducing the risk of data loss.

Can AdvaPACS integrate with my existing on-premise PACS?

AdvaPACS can be easily integrated with your existing on-premise enterprise imaging system through a seamless migration process and can be deployed within 15 minutes. Our team will work with you to ensure a smooth transition with minimal disruption to your workflow.

How can I get started with AdvaPACS?

To get started with AdvaPACS, please contact our sales team to schedule a demo and learn more about how our platform can benefit your healthcare organisation.

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