cloud native pacs on premise
Cloud native PACS

Why Cloud-Native PACS is Disrupting the On-Premise Status Quo in Healthcare Imaging

For decades, on-premise PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication Systems) have been the backbone of medical imaging storage and access. However, the healthcare landscape is rapidly evolving, and traditional on-premise solutions are struggling to keep pace. Here at AdvaPACS, we’re at the forefront of a revolution – cloud-native PACS.

Cloud-native PACS are built from the ground up for the cloud, offering a multitude of advantages over their on-premise counterparts. Let’s delve into why cloud-native PACS are disrupting the status quo and empowering healthcare providers with unparallelled efficiency.

Unleashing scalability on demand

Traditional on-premise PACS systems often force a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach. Whether you operate a small practise with a single ultrasound machine or a full-scale radiology department, on-premises solutions demand similar upfront hardware investments. This leads to either underutilised resources or insufficient capacity, hindering both efficiency and growth potential.

Cloud-native PACS revolutionise this model. Storage capacity and computational power can be precisely tailored to your current needs, whether that’s storing a modest volume of ultrasound studies or managing vast datasets across multiple imaging modalities. As your practise evolves, so does your PACS solution – seamlessly and cost-effectively.

Imagine your facility acquires a new high-resolution imaging modality or experiences a sudden influx of patients. Your cloud-native PACS expands effortlessly, ensuring you’re never constrained by system limits. This ‘pay-as-you-go’ model liberates you from over-provisioning, allowing you to invest in patient care, not excess hardware.

Streamlining workflows. Empowering providers

Traditional on-premise PACS systems introduce considerable IT overhead. Your team spends valuable hours maintaining servers, performing software updates, and ensuring disaster recovery preparedness. These tasks divert focus from the core mission of delivering superior patient care.

Cloud-native PACS revolutionise healthcare workflows. The provider handles all infrastructure management, security updates, and backups. This frees your IT team to dedicate their expertise to strategic initiatives that directly benefit patient outcomes.

Moreover, cloud-native PACS eliminate the limitations of physical on-premises servers. Authorised clinicians can securely access medical images & modalities from anywhere, at any time, on any compatible device. This unrestricted access supports seamless collaboration between departments, enables remote consultations, and accelerates critical decision-making and diagnosis. The result is a more efficient, patient-centric approach to care delivery.

A cloud-native PACS empowers streamlined workflows by enabling access to medical images from anywhere, anytime. Its design emphasises scalable infrastructure for high-availability services, ensuring it can handle unpredictable fluctuations in DICOM traffic. This shared-nothing approach, where microservices operate independently, allows for dynamic operation and seamless adaptation to changing workloads.

Security forged in the cloud

Traditional on-premises PACS systems often face challenges in maintaining robust security due to factors like limited IT resources and the complexities of managing physical infrastructure. Cloud-native PACS solutions offer inherent advantages in this domain. Leading cloud providers invest heavily in cutting-edge security measures, including sophisticated data encryption, robust network protection, and continuous threat monitoring. These providers often possess security expertise and resources exceeding those of smaller healthcare organisations.

Beyond the provider’s baseline security, cloud-native PACS solutions should implement granular user access controls. Role-based permissions allow administrators to precisely define which data and system functionalities different user groups can access. It’s essential to have strict authentication mechanisms in place. Multi-factor authentication, which combines traditional passwords with additional verification methods (like SMS codes or authenticator apps), significantly reduces the risk of unauthorised access.

Furthermore, comprehensive audit logs are imperative within cloud-native PACS. These logs meticulously track user activities – from logins and logouts to data access and modification. Such logs are essential for both ensuring compliance with regulations and in swiftly identifying and responding to potential security incidents.

Embracing innovation

Cloud-native PACS architectures not only unlock scalability and cost-efficiency, but also act as catalysts for continuous innovation. They readily integrate with cutting-edge technologies that transform medical imaging workflows. Interoperability powered by open standards, such as HL7 FHIR, enables seamless data exchange between PACS and other healthcare systems like EHRs (Electronic Health Records). This eliminates data silos, giving clinicians a holistic view of a patient’s medical history and imaging studies.

Cloud-native PACS significantly streamline deployment processes. With minimal on-site hardware requirements, installation and configuration are vastly simplified compared to traditional systems. Updates and new features can often be rolled out automatically, minimising downtime and ensuring users always access the latest advancements.

Tri-synchronisation within a cloud-native PACS is another paradigm shift. This refers to the real-time synchronisation of imaging data, facilitating seamless collaboration across locations. Additionally, it enhances disaster recovery capabilities. Changes made by one user are instantly reflected for others and replicated across geographically distributed data centres, ensuring data integrity and accessibility even in the face of unforeseen disruptions.

On-premise vs. Cloud-native: A clear comparison

Healthcare providers are increasingly turning to cloud-native solutions to address the limitations of traditional on-premise systems. The following table provides a quick overview of the key differences between these two approaches to PACS:

Feature On-Premise PACS Cloud-Native PACS
Scalability Limited by physical hardware. Upfront investment required, which can lead to over-provisioning or under-provisioning. Dynamically scales up or down to match actual needs. Pay-as-you-go model eliminates resource waste.
Workflows & Access IT management overhead - updates, maintenance, backups. Access often limited to the physical network. Cloud provider handles infrastructure and updates. Anywhere, anytime access for clinicians on compatible devices improves collaboration and speeds decision-making.
Security Responsibility falls on the healthcare organization. Requires expertise and resources to implement and maintain robust security. Leverages cloud provider's advanced security investments and expertise. Granular access controls, multi-factor authentication, audit logs are essential for compliance, and more!
Innovation Integrating new technologies can be complex and time-consuming. Easily integrates with cutting-edge technologies (AI, machine learning), open standards (HL7 FHIR) for enhanced data exchange. Features and updates rolled out automatically.
Deployment Complex installation and configuration requiring on-site hardware. Simplified deployment with minimal on-site requirements.
Disaster Recovery Requires dedicated disaster recovery infrastructure and processes. Data replication and tri-synchronization across data centers for high availability and disaster resilience.

On-premise PACS: A legacy challenged

Traditional on-premise PACS systems now face mounting challenges. Their substantial upfront hardware investments, rigid scaling constraints, and ongoing IT maintenance demands strain resources, diverting focus from patient care. Cloud-native PACS solutions present a transformative alternative, promising superior adaptability, cost-effectiveness, and enhanced security.

The AdvaPACS advantage

At AdvaPACS, we understand the evolving needs of healthcare providers. Our cloud-native PACS solution is meticulously crafted to streamline workflows, optimise costs, and elevate the standard of patient care. Are you ready to break free from the limitations of legacy systems and experience the future of medical imaging? Let AdvaPACS lead you towards cloud-native innovation.